This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Esq., Member
Representative Bio
For close to five years, Kathleen represented clients in the State of California (including a number of fortune 500 companies) in all aspects of employment law, from compliance to advice to litigating in state and federal court. Kathleen was a member of a three-person trial team that won a unanimous jury verdict in Los Angeles Superior Court.
Kathleen's practice now encompasses a variety of assessment and property taxation matters for both private and public sector clients throughout Ontario and Canada.
Kathleen represents taxpayers and municipalities before the Assessment Review Board and Superior Courts in valuation disputes for all types of properties including office buildings and industrial properties. She advises clients on all matters relating to assessment and municipal taxation.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Esq., Member
Representative Bio
Brad's practice encompasses a variety of assessment and property taxation matters for both private and public sector clients throughout Ontario and Canada.
Brad represents taxpayers before the Assessment Review Board and Superior Courts in valuation and classification disputes for all types of properties including commercial, industrial, pipeline and multi-residential. He advises clients on all matters relating to assessment and municipal taxation.
Brad has extensive political experience at the Ontario Legislature both in senior political staff positions and as a Member of the Provincial Parliament from 1987-1990 (Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Financial Institutions in 1987, and Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Housing in 1988). He has completed the Ontario Securities course and is an affiliate member of The Appraisal Institute.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Esq., Member
Representative Bio
Richard's practice encompasses a variety of assessment and property taxation matters for both private and public sector clients throughout Ontario and Canada.
Richard represents taxpayers and municipalities before the Assessment Review Board and Superior Courts in valuation and property tax disputes for all types of properties. He advises clients on all matters relating to property assessment and municipal taxation. Richard has practised in this field for over 35 years.
In the 1970s, he provided counsel to Ontario's Regional Assessment Commissioners on retainer to the Ministry of Revenue for five years. Richard is a past president of the Canadian Property Tax Association.
Richards's education includes a J.D. from the University of Toronto Law School.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Esq., Member
Representative Bio
Lauren advises clients in the private and public sector on assessment and property taxation matters involving all types of properties.
Since being called to the bar in 2010, Lauren has appeared as counsel before all levels of Ontario courts and numerous tribunals.
Prior to joining Nixon Poole Lackie LLP, Lauren worked as a commercial litigation lawyer at a top regional law firm in Toronto.
EDUCATION: B.A.— Barnard College, Columbia University (2004) – Economics, magna cum laude J.D – University of Toronto Faculty of Law (2009) M.A. – University of Toronto (2009) – International Relations
MEMBERSHIPS AND ACTIVITIES: Canadian Property Tax Association Canadian Bar Association Ontario Bar Association The Advocates’ Society Law Society of Ontario
Bar Admission: Ontario – 2010
Barristers & Solicitors 2 Bloor Street West, Suite 1505 Toronto, ON Canada M4W 3E2
Tel: (416) 225-5160 Fax: (416) 225-0072 website:
Nixon Poole Lackie LLP
Firm Information
The modern real estate environment is subject to unprecedented shifts and changes. It has become a real challenge to control the expenses related to the occupation and ownership of real estate - particularly the expense of property taxes.
As the impact of high property taxes on short-term yields and long-term returns becomes increasingly significant, the need for qualified, professional legal assistance becomes imperative.
The municipal assessment and property tax system is increasingly complex. Property taxes can be extremely volatile. Unwritten policy, the influence of political pressure and the changing nature of the real estate market necessitate constant investigation and analysis.
Nixon Poole Lackie LLP's property tax team is among the largest in Canada. Its lawyers provide close to 80 years of experience in the field. The Toronto based firm comprises an experienced group of knowledgeable, dedicated lawyers committed to advancing the interests of taxpayers. As it maintains strategic relationships from coast to coast, Nixon Fleet & Poole can address the particular needs of individuals or corporations without being limited by geography.
Nixon PooleLackie LLP strives to ensure that clients receive the most thorough, professional and effective support possible. Its lawyers pride themselves on providing aggressive, practical, results-oriented legal services. Our goal is to reduce your property taxes.