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Representative Bio
Bob Gordon is a partner in the Tax Practice Group of Hansen Reynolds LLC. His practice includes federal, state and local taxation, tax controversies, trial and appellate litigation, property taxation of commercial, industrial, utility, and special use manufacturing properties, and property tax exemptions. He has successfully argued three landmark tax cases in the Wisconsin Supreme Court, Nankin v. Village of Shorewood, which upheld the constitutional right of all Wisconsin property owners to challenge their tax assessments in court; Metropolitan Associates v. City of Milwaukee, which held that legislation limiting taxpayer appeal rights enacted after the Nankin decision was also unconstitutional; and Deutsches Land, Inc. v. City of Glendale, which established the rules under which nonprofit organizations in Wisconsin can obtain property tax exemptions. He is a former Chair of the Taxation Section of the State Bar of Wisconsin, and he currently serves as Chair of the Best Practices Committee of American Property Tax Counsel.
Upon graduation from law school Mr. Gordon received an appointment under the Attorney General's Honor Law Graduate Program, to the United States Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. He served for several years as a trial attorney in the Department of Justice Tax Division, where he litigated numerous cases of national significance in courts throughout the United States. He also served as a judicial intern for the Honorable James E. Doyle of the United States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin.
Mr. Gordon was distinguished in the area of tax law since 2008 in The Best Lawyers in America, published by Woodward/White, Inc. He has been recognized as a "Wisconsin Super Lawyer" since 2005 by Super Lawyers Magazine, a Law and Politics Publication.
Additionally, Mr. Gordon was recognized by U.S. News Media Group and Best LawyersTM as "Lawyer of the Year" for 2015 for excellence in the field of tax controversy litigation, with that recognition limited to one lawyer in each specialty in a geographic region (Milwaukee).

301 N. Broadway Suite 400 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202
Tel: (414) 326-4929
website: Hansen Reynolds LLC
Firm Information
Hansen Reynolds LLC represents both plaintiffs and defendants in complex business and patent cases. Because of the unique combination of our hands-on approach and extensive trial experience, Hansen Reynolds clients range from small private companies and individuals to Fortune 500 corporations and international firms.